West Bay, Argyll
design and installation of temporary play interventions / community consultation / spatial survey
bringing the play back to west bay

West bay Dunoon is a 1000 meter long victorian promenade, looking out over the river Clyde. Historically the bay provided locals and visitors with a space for recreation and play. A large Lido, boat hire services and other amenities meant that people had opportunities to enjoy the seaside and the stunning surroundings.
Years of neglect, a decline in tourism and a lack of community and public sector cohesion around the management of the space, have left this once thriving thoroughfare in a state of decline.
Working with Cowal Play Therapy, a community interest company and provider of child and family wellbeing services, we designed and installed a series of temporary play installations. A photographic survey and further archival research was also completed to inform further community led action to renew this valuable recreation area.