As part of the We are building a beach hut project, we are delighted to offer a new work opportunity to a joiner and maker.
Work can be delivered flexibly from March to May 2022 and will focus on the development of 6 beach hut components made using traditional skills. The provider will also facilitate learning opportunities to members of the community to share knowledge about timber contruction techniques and traditional materials. The role is funded through the Dunoon Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme with the support of project partners: CHArts Evolve Arts and Tourism fund & Heritage Horizons project (funded by the ScottishPower Foundation) and the Dunoon Area Alliance - a new community development trust. To apply, please follow this link to the application and information pack> The deadline for applications is 11th Feb 2022. If you need any assistance with siging up to Public Contract Scotland then you can call or email for assistance. Please contact them here> For more information about the We are building a beach hut project please follow this link>