Back in August 2020, Tacit Tacit became the proud tenants of a shop space on Hillfoot St, Dunoon. The shop front was immediately put to good use, installing our first exhibition of the pixel illustrations created by Walter Newton. A Green Map heritage postcard trail then followed in the shop window with lamp post mounted postcards along the water front.
And then there was lock down 2.
Work to renovate the shop slowed down as we juggled with childcare and home schooling pressures, on-going client work and numerous material supply issues. However, progress has been made. The shop is now insulated to improve energy efficiency and has been plastered and painted.
With help from Collective Architecture, a shop front improvement grant was successfull and the Dunoon Conservation and Regeneration Scheme funded a replacement retractable awning. Support from Business Gateway, Zero Waste Scotland, and the hard work of local trades people and friends has got us to the point where we are pretty confident that the Pop Shop will be opening in June.
The Pop Shop is the culmination of four years of in-depth local research into local enterprise support in-equalities and much reflection on how design can support sustainable community development at a local level.
The shop will house Tacit Tacit, Collective Architecture’s new Argyll studio along with film start-up company Sure Shot Film. The space will also provide a base for Dunoon Goes Pop (Tacit’s work in progress heritage drinks start-up), Dunoon Green Map initiative and Cowal Play Therapy.
In addition the traditional shop front will be bookable, affordable space for people to exhibit work, test out new ideas and share information about sustainable design at a local level.
We are really excited about the Pop Shop and will be revealing more over the next few weeks, so will keep you posted!